I'd apologize for the lack of posts this year, but:

I feel so fortunate to be able to train this year. Losing most of last year, not being able to run, I am constantly reminding myself to just appreciate every run, even when it's track sprints... Every time I think something like "but I'm so sore, I'm so tired, I don't wanna...." I remember that it's a privilege to be able to move my body and do the things I do!
The last couple months have had some really fun triathlon upgrades! I got a new Roka wetsuit that I'm pumped about - I've been swimming in a really entry level suit since I started in triathlon. Of all three sports, swimming is the one where I feel like I do pretty well compared to others, so I deserved something speedier! On the bike side, I just got a new QR PRsix that is definitely too fast of a bike for my biking capabilities, and I know I shouldn't love an inanimate object with no soul, but she's gorgeous and so fast. Generally things have been ok on the bike this season. Last year I made some crazy progress on the bike since I wasn't able to run, and this year I'm feeling a bit stagnant in terms of progress. Swimming has actually progressed a bit, and I'm getting much faster in the pool which I can't complain about. Running is making a comeback - my pacing is alright, I've just never pushed myself for speed in my life and holy shit, running fast is so hard. It reminds me why I do endurance - I love that it's more about the mental state to keep pushing through pain and override your brain vs dying and trying to push as hard as possible until you can't breathe and want to collapse. Actually, maybe it's kind of the same, I just like steady vs speedy.
Also new this year - I'm the Team Nuun Regional Captain for the PnW! I love being a part of Team Nuun, couldn't train without Nuun, and have formed so many friendships through this team. Excited to continue leading the meetups and seeing some of you at them!
- I don't know how many people keep up on this
- I'm busy
- I'm not sorry 😏
Life comes in waves, and 2019 so far has been really busy. A lot of travel, finally a lot of training (seriously thankful), but at the end of the day, very manageable stress life levels.
I feel so fortunate to be able to train this year. Losing most of last year, not being able to run, I am constantly reminding myself to just appreciate every run, even when it's track sprints... Every time I think something like "but I'm so sore, I'm so tired, I don't wanna...." I remember that it's a privilege to be able to move my body and do the things I do!

This years' upcoming potential race calendar (as I now understand everything is TBD for racing but this is what I'm registered for)
CDA 70.3 - June 30
Ironman Mont Tremblant - August 18
The thought of racing a full Ironman again scares the shit out of me. It'll have been almost two years since I strung together full Ironman distances, and actually almost 2 years since I even did a full marathon. I know that the training will prepare me and set me up to have the best day I can have, and that all I can do is put in the work now and control what I can control on that day... but sometimes I wonder why I had to fall in love with such a challenging sport? I'm not sure what goals I have for Mont Tremblant. I obviously want to do better than AZ, but the course is way hillier, so time goals don't necessarily make sense... we'll see. Goals: a well executed day, for sure. To finish, of course. Other than that - run a faster marathon?
The thought of racing a full Ironman again scares the shit out of me. It'll have been almost two years since I strung together full Ironman distances, and actually almost 2 years since I even did a full marathon. I know that the training will prepare me and set me up to have the best day I can have, and that all I can do is put in the work now and control what I can control on that day... but sometimes I wonder why I had to fall in love with such a challenging sport? I'm not sure what goals I have for Mont Tremblant. I obviously want to do better than AZ, but the course is way hillier, so time goals don't necessarily make sense... we'll see. Goals: a well executed day, for sure. To finish, of course. Other than that - run a faster marathon?
I'll try to write a bit more as I progress through this season as I'm ramping up into actual Ironman training. I'm working with a new coach, ready to get after it this year and keep getting better/faster/stronger. Of all things, I've had some mental blocks with testing this year, but last weekend I ran 14 miles hungover at an 8:03 min/mile average, so things are still progressing in the right direction.
Also new this year - I'm the Team Nuun Regional Captain for the PnW! I love being a part of Team Nuun, couldn't train without Nuun, and have formed so many friendships through this team. Excited to continue leading the meetups and seeing some of you at them!
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