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2018 goals, races, and injury

I started writing a post about my 2018 goals, races, travel, all the awesomeness that 2018 should be, but it's hard to dream about racing as I'm currently battling a hamstring strain. Three days into training with my coach (I am working with a coach 1:1 this year! more info later), fully knowing my knee has felt off for a while (and having it all taped up), 36 minutes into my 45 minute run cruising down capitol hill I got instant sharp pain from the back of my knee up my hamstring. UGHHHHH. It was the kind of pain you can't run through.

I've now been a non-runner for about 5 weeks. FEELS LIKE FOR-FUCKING-EVER since I last ran. I know injuries take time but I have almost no patience. I'm taking out my frustration on the bike and in the pool and I cannot imagine how I would be feeling if I didn't have those outlets. I'm going to PT twice a week and finally got cleared to do short and easy running intervals (20 seconds of running, 1min40s of walking), which feels like light at the end of this unbearable and depressing tunnel.

On the plus side, I feel like I've gotten a LOT stronger on the bike in the last month+. I alternate every day swim, bike, swim, bike, swim, bike, bike. LOTS of pool and trainer time. Thank goodness the weather has been bad the last month so I didn't have many days where I really wished I could be outside running. I don't mind winter running but didn't feel like I missed out too badly. I just really want to heal 100% so I can go all out racing this year. Events on the calendar...

2018 races:
May - Zion Ultra Trail Ragnar (more than a marathon of running in split legs)
June - Ironman 70.3 Victoria (half Ironman)
July - Chelan Man (half Ironman)
August - Assorted oly/sprint tri's
September - IRONMAN CHATTANOOGA! (144.6 miles - longer bike course!)

I have more triathlon racing planned this season than I've ever raced in a year! The last couple years I've done 3 tri's or less a year. This year looks like it'll be more like 5-6! I'm excited to race more and see what I can do in terms of PR's. There's this mental side to racing that I feel like I JUST started embracing last year. I'm looking forward to reuniting with that feeling of pushing until you collapse at the finish.

I've started doing 1:1 coaching this season. I'm super pumped about it! Having been self trained and self driven the last 3 years has taught me a lot of discipline but I can only do so much myself. For the first time I'm actually having to hit specific targets, having to push my workouts and not just workout for a specific amount of time. Loving not only having my coach write me workouts I would never push myself to do, but helping guide me through why certain workouts are good for me, the point of doing them, and just knowing that he's looking at my data helps me actually push to hit all my targets for the workout. 

I've started training with actual data for the first time this year. I'm still a little intimidated, I just don't know a ton about power and HR zones and TSS...etc. I've always trained gauging my perceived effort and knowing my body. I think to take that next step up - I have to use power and HR to push myself to be faster, stronger, smarter. Already I'm faster in the pool than I was all last year and it's been like 5 weeks. Training might not look pretty on the trainer and the pool, but I'm already excited about the work I've put in the last 5 weeks, despite my injury. STILL counting the days until I can run freely again but trying to be thankful that there is more to life than just running (or is there? yeah, there is)

Am I the only one who still gets dressed like I'm going on an outdoor ride when I'm on the trainer??


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