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Showing posts from March, 2018

2018 goals, races, and injury

I started writing a post about my 2018 goals, races, travel, all the awesomeness that 2018 should be, but it's hard to dream about racing as I'm currently battling a hamstring strain.  Three days into training with my coach (I am working with a coach 1:1 this year! more info later), fully knowing my knee has felt off for a while (and having it all taped up), 36 minutes into my 45 minute run cruising down capitol hill I got instant sharp pain from the back of my knee up my hamstring. UGHHHHH. It was the kind of pain you can't run through. I've now been a non-runner for about 5 weeks. FEELS LIKE FOR-FUCKING-EVER since I last ran. I know injuries take time but I have almost no patience. I'm taking out my frustration on the bike and in the pool and I cannot imagine how I would be feeling if I didn't have those outlets. I'm going to PT twice a week and finally got cleared to do short and easy running intervals (20 seconds of running, 1min40s of walking), which f...