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Ragnar Wasatch Back with Team Nuun

If you follow me on social media - you are probably well aware of the fact that I ran Ragnar Wasatch Back with Team Nuun this weekend! When I got selected to join the team I was SO excited, but all I really thought about was the running part. I started doing some speed training so that I could fit in with my team and be quick enough because from what I could tell on their instas and fb's - they were better runners than me! They were all just getting back from the Boston Marathon, had run bunches of ultra's, and I wanted to be sure I fit in!

I had no idea what this weekend had in store for me. It's funny - because the running parts are the parts I'm going to forget. Yes - I ran 10.5 miles all alone in scorching heat, sprinted 2 miles in the middle of the night, and ran 6 miles all alone at 4ish in the morning and actually missed the entire course but somehow ended up at the exchange point by awesome chance. But what I'll remember is my team. The laughter, the inside jokes, the hours in the van, the gas station gyros, the nonstop caffeine intake (did you know that not everyone drinks coffee all day...what?), and the friendships I had no idea would mean so much to me at the end of the weekend. Despite no sleep and the deep need to get back to my new espresso machine, it was SO hard to leave these people. The thought that I might never see some of them again? Not ok. Already working on organizing another team race for August...

I was in van 1 - which if you're not familiar with road Ragnar, your team of 12 (or in our case 11) splits into two vans. Van 1 runs legs 1-6, van 2 runs 7-12, then van 1 picks up again. My van started the race at 10:30am on Friday, ran again around 9pm, and again around 4am on Saturday. We all had agreed this wasn't a competitive race for us - but I think deep down we didn't want to let anyone down and worked hard each leg. I don't know where all the time I wasn't running went, but it sure flew by. 

I drank SO MUCH NUUN. I laughed so much that my cheeks are still sore. I slept MAYBE 3 hours. In 72 hours. I met totally random people that were just like me, despite being totally different from me. I ran. It was an incredible weekend. I can't believe how lucky I was to be included in this team and had the most amazing time!

THANK YOU NUUN HYDRATION! I had no idea how amazing being an ambassador for Nuun would be. 

When you got lost and don't understand where those other runners came from


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