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Weeks 18-23 - So close and starting to taper

Publishing late since I never did.... pre-race!

Countdown till I leave for Boulder is now single digit days away and the race is less than two weeks away. Isaac stopped making our training boards since he was injured and wasn't able to follow the workouts, so no boards to post for you. The last few weeks have been hard, long, painful, but I hit every workout and am feeling as prepared as I can for Boulder - while still being completely terrified for the long day. I spent this last Sunday tracking my amazing friend Jocelyn who finished her FIRST Ironman in Whistler!! She killed it!! Tracking her throughout the course of the day reminded me truly what a long day it is, which is something I obviously know but had kind of forgotten... no matter how much you prepare, you can't predict everything that is going to happen that day. It has not been super hot here in Seattle this summer, so I have not been able to train in 90+ degrees. I'm hopeful I'll adjust to the hot temps AND altitude the week prior when we're there. I bought a swim skin, so I will not be swimming with a wetsuit. I'm hoping that will make my core temp a little lower on the bike and stay cooler throughout the day. I also hope that will make my swim time faster - I don't really feel the need to wear a wetsuit, I think it negatively affects my form.

This week was the start of our taper, and I'm once again SUPER emotional. I watched the Lake Placid finish line also on Sunday and watched the final two midnight finishers and almost lost it. I haven't broken down into tears yet (I haven't cried in months... actually I don't think I've cried since winter) so it's going to overflow when it comes! (and will likely be at work, sorry to my 5 girls in my office....!)

I keep telling myself that I've put in the hours. I hardly missed any training - really only skipped one run and a few swims the last 6 months. On the other hand, I don't feel over trained. I know that mentally I can do this. I can slay the swim, I can handle the bike leg (I will say I'm not nearly as prepared on hills as I was for Canada last year), and I am hoping for a much faster marathon this year. It's easy to say that, without remembering how it feels 8-9 hours into the race, finally hopping off the bike and facing the enormity of an entire marathon. There aren't words to describe that feeling, of feeling so accomplished from that bike and realizing how much more work there is to be done. The only option is to put one foot in front of the other and keep going.

I'm so excited to head to Boulder. I haven't taken any significant time off since last September, and I'm feeling the need to refresh and refuel. Since I can't really travel during training, this is overdue. 

I'm thankful for a group instagram message Isaac and I got included on that is giving great insight from local Boulder folks racing into the bike course.


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