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Showing posts from August, 2016

Race Report: Ironman Boulder

Morning of: Woke up at 3:40am. This race started at 6:20am due to the rolling swim start, so we needed to get there extra early. Downed 1 1/2 English muffins with pb+j and drank some grape pedialyte. Put sunscreen on my face and arms. (mistake #1 of the day - not having Isaac put sunscreen on my back!) We had to walk a half mile to the high school, drop off our special needs bags (bags halfway through the bike and run you can fill with things you might need but can't carry on you all day) and then hop on the bus to take us to the reservoir. I have not felt that nauseous for a race in yeaaaars as I did walking to the high school. I thought I was going to throw up on the way. When we got to the res we all headed over to our bikes to put on nutrition and check tire pressure. Threw on my swim skin and got ready to swim! Swim: This swim was a rolling start, which means you seed yourself based on your anticipated finish time. The options were less than an hour, 1hr-1:15, 1:16-1:...

Weeks 18-23 - So close and starting to taper

Publishing late since I never did.... pre-race! Countdown till I leave for Boulder is now single digit days away and the race is less than two weeks away. Isaac stopped making our training boards since he was injured and wasn't able to follow the workouts, so no boards to post for you. The last few weeks have been hard, long, painful, but I hit every workout and am feeling as prepared as I can for Boulder - while still being completely terrified for the long day. I spent this last Sunday tracking my amazing friend Jocelyn who finished her FIRST Ironman in Whistler!! She killed it!! Tracking her throughout the course of the day reminded me truly what a long day it is, which is something I obviously know but had kind of forgotten... no matter how much you prepare, you can't predict everything that is going to happen that day. It has not been super hot here in Seattle this summer, so I have not been able to train in 90+ degrees. I'm hopeful I'll adjust to the hot temps A...