Ran my first ever trail race this weekend! It was a half marathon at Tiger Mountain. It was challenging and was further than I was supposed to go for training, but I love adding in events to make training a little more interesting. I know I'm behind on posting... as training ramps up, I'm a little more strapped for time. Below are the boards from week 8, 7, and 6. As training continues to ramp, what changes the most are the weekends but our weekdays are getting a little longer too. It's been a struggle to fit in 2 hour workouts in the morning before work, but I'm managing and adjusting.
I'm proud to say I haven't missed any workouts. Even if other things got in the way, I moved things around and still hit them later on in the week. Pretty proud of that. It's so easy to think about skipping a workout but if there's one thing I've learned - consistency is key, and when I approach that start line at altitude in a little less than 4 months I will know that I put the work in and trust my training. I'm getting faster and my endurance is building. I'm enjoying everything about training except my long weekend rides. I have been managing to run my long weekend runs on trails, which is helping me build to the 50k I want to do this fall.

Next week is a recovery week. As much as recovery should be enjoyable, I typically get restless and want to add in workouts, but I'm trying to really stick to what I should be doing - recover when I'm supposed to and really push the other weeks. Cheers to two months behind me and 15 weeks to go!
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