Raced the Lake Meridian Triathlon this weekend for the third time! The athletes range from first time triathletes participating in a super sprint to super competitive Kona level Ironman triathletes racing the oly distance (LOTS of people wearing Ironman gear pre-race!) Because Isaac is the earliest person I have ever met (I would be totally fine showing up 20 minutes pre-race, finding a spot to rack my bike and throwing on my wetsuit!) we left Seattle at 5am. The race started at 7am so I guess we weren't TOO early... but still. Not fun getting up at 4am on a Saturday! I was super nervous to race, I always am. I am so competitive, but also have this inner mean girl who likes to tell me things like "you're not fast enough to compete in this sport" or "you'll never be that fast" or "you're actually not that good at triathlon" or "you're not a good cyclist" (I say that last one out loud a LOT). I setup my transition, pretty mini...
Ironman, triathlete, mom, carb enthusiast